November 2024
9 y 10
November 2024
Pre-symposium courses
Fortín Plaza Hotel
November 2024
9 y 10
November 2024
Pre-symposium courses
Fortín Plaza Hotel
Con motivo del simposio
Se publicará un número especial en el Journal of Proteomics
Esta es una excelente oportunidad para que preparen y sometan artículos in extenso para revisión. El scope de la revista incluye además de protéomica de plantas, microorganismos, animales y humanos, áreas de metabolómica, genómica, biologías de sistemas, toxicogenómica, farmacoproteómica, entre otros temas relacionados con las ciencias ómicas.
Pre-symposium courses
Theoretical-practical course
Development of methods with mass spectrometry
November 9 and 10
Fortín Plaza Hotel
Oaxaca, Oaxaca
Aim: Acquire the knowledge and apply the necessary tools to efficiently carry out the Development of Analytical Methods with Mass Spectrometry for applications in the field of metabolomics and protein analysis.
- Liquid Chromatography Fundamentals
- Fundamentals of Optical Detection and Mass Spectrometry
- Strategies for Method Development (Exploratory Gradient and Scouting)
- Optimization of Separations by reverse phase
- Optimization of Separations by HILIC and mixed columns
- Method Scaling
- Chromatographic System Selection
- Detection System Selection
- General considerations
- Dispersive Phase Extraction
- Solid Phase Extraction
- Advanced Molecule Tuning Strategies
- Special acquisition channels
- Creation of Spectral Libraries
- Choice of Quantification Method
- Verification of Accuracy and Linearity Test
- Evaluation of the Limit of Detection and Quantification
2do Taller Teórico-Práctico "METabolómica no dirigida y herramientas de última GENeración para el análisis de datos (METGEN)"
November 9 and 10
Fortín Plaza Hotel
Oaxaca, Oaxaca
Dr. Aldo Moreno Ulloa
M.Sc. Jhordan Ojeda González
Introduce participants to liquid chromatography-Tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and its usefulness in the characterization of metabolomes in various species and, occasionally, will guide (“hands on”) on how to use tools Novel cheminformatics for LC-MS/MS data analysis.
The course will consist of theory followed by practice on the topics covered. An interactive course is proposed that is reinforced by relevant theory information for a greater understanding of the topics. With what has been learned in the course, it is expected that the participant will be able to analyze LC-MS/MS data with free access software to identify/analyze metabolomes from a global and particular perspective.
Any person from the academic sector in areas related to biomedicine, biotechnology and microbiology. It is not essential to have programming experience to enter the course, however, it is essential to have basic/intermediate knowledge of computer use.
Block 1
Data processing
and quantitative analysis
Introduction and welcome
Review of installation of required programs and troubleshooting
Theory on liquid chromatography (LC), tandem mass spectrometry (MS2, MS/MS, MS2) and metabolomics (T)
Coffee break
LC-MS Data Preprocessing2 and metadata generation (T, P)
Analysis with Mzmine 3 software - generation of quantitative matrices (T, P)
Multivariate and univariate analyzes with Metaboanalyst 5.0 software (T, P)
Tea break
Resolution of doubts
Block 2
Integration of results
and graph generation
Block 1 results summary
Second review of the installation of required programs and troubleshooting (P)
Identification tools through GNPS, MolDiscovery, DEREPLICATOR+ and SIRIUS software (T, P)
Coffee break
Generation of a spectral library or identified metabolites through KNIME software (P)
Metabolite descriptors and 2D/3D visualization tools (T, P)
Generating graphs with ggplot2 in R Studio (P)
Resolution of doubts and closure of the course
Concursa por una de las 30 becas disponibles
La Sociedad Mexicana de Proteómica y Patrocinadores, ofrecen las becas para aquellos estudiantes de licenciatura y posgrado que deseen asistir y participar en el 9º Simposio de la Sociedad Mexicana de Proteómica a realizarse en la ciudad de Oaxaca, Oaxaca. La beca consiste en hospedaje en habitación doble (compartida con otro becario) y alimentación (desayunos y comidas), con entrada y salida los días 10 y 14 de noviembre, respectivamente, en el hotel sede Fortín Plaza.
Para concursar por una de estas, los estudiantes interesados deben inscribirse al simposio y enviar el resumen del trabajo a presentar. Adicionalmente, deben enviar su CV (máx. 3 cuartillas) y un comprobante que los acredite como estudiantes a la dirección de correo electrónico becas.smp.9@gmail.com antes del 31 de agosto para evaluación por parte del comité científico. La lista de becarios será publicada el día 30 de septiembre en la página web del simposio
Opening and welcoming brindis
16:00 horas
16:45 horas
Opening ceremony
José Ángel Huerta Ocampo
President of the Mexican Proteomics Society
17:00 horas
Plenary lecture
Jean Armengaud
JOLIOT Institute, Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission. France
17:14 horas
Sponsor Lecture
18:10 horas
Plenary lecture
Jennifer Van Eyk
Cedars-Sinai / Human Proteome Organization President (2023-2024)
19:00 - 21:00 horas
Welcoming brindis
Topic 1
Human proteomics
Chair: Sergio Encarnación, CCG-UNAM.
09:00 horas
Plenary lecture
Uwe Völker
University Greifswald, Germany / HUPO President-elect
09:40 horas
Fernando José Corrales Izquierdo
Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology
10:10 horas
Jeovanis Gil Valdés
Lund University Cancer Centre, Lund, Sweden
10:40 horas
Poster Session 1
+ Coffee Break
12:30 horas
Sergio Encarnación
CCG-UNAM, Cuernavaca , México
13:00 horas
Sponsor lecture
13:30 horas
David Gomez-Zepeda
University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
14:00 horas
16:00 horas
Héctor Quezada Pablo
Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. CDMX, México
16:30 horas
Sponsor lecture
17:00 horas
Luis M. Terán
Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, SSA. Mexico
17:30 horas
Coffee Break
18:00 horas
Oral sessions 1
Chair: Emmanuel Rios Castro
18:00 horas
Por definir
18:15 horas
Por definir
18:30 horas
Por definir
18:45 horas
Por definir
19:15 horas
(Closed Session)
Current status of Mexican Proteomics Society
Election of the boar 2024-2026 of the Mexican Proteomics Society
Topic 2
Plant proteomics, foodomics and multiomics
Chair: Josaphat Miguel Montero Vargas, INER-SSA
09:10 horas
Plenary lecture
Megan Matthews
University of Pennsylvania – USA
09:40 horas
Sandra Martínez Jarquin
University of Nottingham, UK
10:10 horas
Sponsor lecture
10:40 horas
Eliel Ruiz May
Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa, Veracruz, México
11:10 horas
Neftalí Cruz Mireles
The Sainsbury Laboratory. UK
11:40 horas
Coffee Break
12:00 horas
Margarita López-Castillo
Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mexico
12:30 horas
Sponsor lecture
13:00 horas
Tzvetanka Dimitrova Dinkova
Facultad de Química, UNAM
13:30 horas
Edgar Neri Castro
Instituto de Biotecnología, UNAM
14:00 horas
Topic 3
Mass Spectrometry & Bioinformatics
Chair: Emmanuel Ríos Castro, LaNSE-CINVESTAV
16:00 horas
Robert Winkler
LANGEBIO-CINVESTAV Irapuato, Guanajuato México
16:30 horas
Sponsor lecture
17:00 horas
José Medina Franco
Facultad de Química, UNAM. CDMX, México
17:30 horas
Coffee Break
18:00 horas
Oral sessions 2
18:00 horas
Por definir
18:15 horas
Por definir
18:30 horas
Por definir
18:45 horas
Por definir
20:30 horas
Desplazamiento del hotel al centro de la ciudad en carros alegóricos